Our core areas of investment are as follows
Social Transformation approaches
Being available to the people at the grassroots and initiating dialogue about environmental protection and natural resources conservation. If this inter-subjective dialogue is nurtured well, it leads to Mutual understanding, and finally into Unforced consensus about any issue of the environment and social transformation in general. Once people at the grassroots agree freely on issues this means they will own the entire process. Process ownership by the community is the only surest way of guaranteeing the sustainability of any undertaking. That is why more human and financial resources must be allocated to enhance the Social Transformation Approaches.
Environmental Empowerment
Is the ability to arouse in people that, they have the inner capacity for self-knowledge, self-possession, and self-determination. This does not exclude external support but clarifies more on the secondary position of any support from outside. This view considers individuals or communities at the grassroots as primary stakeholders while external support as secondary stakeholders. Once the people are empowered, they become critical and begin asking necessary questions about the meaning of things and situations, individuals begin the journey of moving from where they are to where they are supposed to be. This journey of emancipation that the people have started need to be nurtured, need to be built, hence the necessity of capacity building. Thus, more resources should be invested in this area.
Environmental Capacity Building
Once individuals and communities have realized that, they possess the inner capacity to do things on their own, it is now an appropriate time to build that capacity in them and this is what we call ‘Capacity Building’. This is the ability to nurture and prosper the inner realized potentials of individuals and communities till they reach their destiny. Hence calling for more resources to be assigned to enhance this process.
Sustainable Environmental Policy Management
This is the ability to make environmental policy have practical meaning and reach its intended fruition to both the formulators, executors and the intended beneficiaries. There are excellent environmental policies in libraries and shelves in various offices, but unless, they are organized and directed to achieve their intended purpose through social transformational approaches they become less productive. In order for policy formulators, executors, and beneficiaries to read from the same page in terms of implementing the same policy a lot of teaching, coaching, mentoring has to take place. This is what calls for more resource allocation into the vote head for it to be done well and not only well but very well.
Self-Sustaining Organizational Structure and culture
This is the process of making ACO Foundation self-sustaining in terms of both human and financial resources. Therefore, a substantial amount of resources have to be assigned for this process to come to fruition. The success of this process marks the realization of sustainability in ACO Foundation.