The ultimate goal of this directorate is Cultural Vitality/Vibrancy . Cultural vitality is the evidence of creating, disseminating, validating, and supporting arts and culture as a dimension of everyday life in communities. Vitality is the state of being strong and active; energy. Vibrancy is a state of movement to and fro rapidly – vibrating, a culture that is pulsating with vigor and energy.
1) Department of Creating Culture for Environmental Sustainability
This department clarifies how cultures are created. Creation of culture includes a variety of factors, including founders’ values and preferences, industry demands, and early values, goals, and assumptions. Culture is maintained through attraction-selection-attrition, new employee on boarding, leadership, and organizational reward systems.
The major elements of culture are material culture, language, aesthetics, education, religion, attitudes and values and social organization.
2) Department of Disseminating Culture for Environmental Sustainability
These departments deal with one of the hallmarks of human society, the tendency for ideas, opinions, and cultures to spread from person to person, so-called “cultural dissemination.” This field of study has attracted many scientists interested in the mechanism of social evolution and cultural propagation, and has broad applications to state.
In addition to globalization, there are three main mechanisms of cultural change: diffusion, independent invention, and acculturation.
3) Department of Validating Culture for Environmental Sustainability
This department deals with cultural validation. Cross-cultural validation refers to whether measures in most cases psychological constructs that were originally generated in a single culture are applicable, meaningful, and thus equivalent in another culture
4) Department of Supporting Culture for Environmental Sustainability
This department concerns itself with cultural support plan that is individualized, dynamic written plan or a support agreement that aims to develop or maintain children or young people’s cultural identity through connection to family, community and culture.